Activities Detailed

Water Resources Development

We take up consruction of Dugwells, small Ponds and such water harvesting structures on the site targetting farmers. This is mainly to ensure water availability for irrigation needs during rabi and lean period. This also helps when Rains do not provide ample water for farming.

Agriculture for Livelihood and Income generation

We promote sustanable agriculture. The tribal poor farmers, have small holding. They generate very little agri-produce. The need is to educate them and support them on ground to enhance income. The organic farming is better aletrnative for them, that is also taken up with them at selective sites.

Animal Husbandary

Animal Husbandary mainly the Goatary is promoted for increasing income. They hardly have any scope for income from agriculture with small holding. The additional income is ensured through animal husbandary. Goatary has been grossly practiced after our support.

Our Achievements